C++ is often considered to be a complicated language and shunned unconsciously by most people. It is thought that it is hard to construct a C++ environment, no definitive package manager, and the strange syntax of build systems such as CMake (opens in a new tab) make us feel hesitant.
By developing a package manager and build system, which have an intuitively easy-to-use interface like npm (opens in a new tab) and Cargo (opens in a new tab) and make users be able to develop applications and libraries without being aware of CMake (opens in a new tab), developers will be able to focus on learning C++ without stumbling. I also plan to implement integration with many other build systems and package managers so that you can seamlessly switch a development environment.
Naming Background
Poac is originated from cpp
but also designed to emphasize ease of typing and avoiding the burden being placed on only one hand as Poac will be entered many times as a command.
The ergonomically optimized name prevents you from leading to tenosynovitis.
As I mentioned before, C++ is often avoided being selected for product development; however, I would like to disseminate C++ as a fun language through Poac.
Amemiya and Mizutani argue that the /p/
sound gives the brightest and softest impression (157).1
Accordingly, I believe Poac would likewise provide a bright and soft impression.
Amemiya, T., & Mizutani, S. (2006). On the Basic Affective Dimensions of Japanese Onomatopoeia and the Basic Level of Japanese Phonesthemes. 関西大学社会学部紀要, 37(2), 139–166. https://hdl.handle.net/10112/12311 (opens in a new tab) ↩